Terms of service
These are the terms and conditions on which we supply products / services to you:
1. A 20% non-refundable booking fee is required on services costing £200 and above.
2. To secure your appointment, a booking fee should be paid within 48 hours of confirmation on appointment date unless otherwise agreed.
3. If booking fee is not received within 48 hours, your allocated booking will be cancelled and made available again.
4. In the case of a cancellation, the 20% non-refundable booking fee converts into the cancellation fee. Note that once you have booked an appointment with us this means we have reserved the date and time exclusively for you.
5. If you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment date, your 20% booking fee is retained as the cancellation fee by us.
6. To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice of at least 48 hours before your appointment date.
7. Payment on completion of job for domestic and 14 days from invoice for commercial work.
8. Additional fees may be applied for late payment / non-payment, these will be charged at an additional 10% of invoice per week.
9. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at info@leatherworxcompany.co.uk, Call 01158882842, Text or WhatsApp 07960509495.